Building Excellence
One of Florida’s premier luxury homebuilders, JMC Communities was launched in 1978 by a second-generation hometown builder, J. Michael Cheezem. Since then, JMC has created some of the area's most desirable and successful communities, including Ovation and Florencia in downtown St. Petersburg; Victoria Place in Dunedin; The Grande and Meridian on Sand Key; Belle Harbor, and Sandpearl Residences & Resort on Clearwater Beach. These and other award-winning communities of enduring beauty and quality are now home to more than 4,500 delighted families. At Belleview Place, you'll experience the same quality, attention to detail and personal service that define JMC Communities.

Downtown St. Petersburg

Sandpearl Resort & Residences
Clearwater Beach

Rowland Place
Downtown St. Petersburg

Victoria Place
Downtown Dunedin